Join Isango Ensemble's Musical Director Mandisi Dyantyis, choreographer Lungelo Ngamlana and other members of the ensemble in a music and movement workshop.

Isango Ensemble is an award-winning South African theatre company that draws its artists mainly from the townships surrounding Cape Town. Isango’s productions re-imagine classics from the Western theatre canon, finding a new context for the stories within a South African or township setting thereby creating inventive work relevant to the heritage of the nation.

Join Isango’s Musical Director Mandisi Dyantyis, choreographer Lungelo Ngamlana and other members of the ensemble in a music and movement workshop. This workshop will last approximately 90 minutes, and consists of learning some traditional music and dances.

Participants must be 16 and above, and be relatively active. Please bring suitable clothing for movement.

Date: Friday 15 March 1.30pm – 3.00pm
Venue: TAPAC – Studio 1, 100 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland
Cost: $20/participant (max. 20)
Workshop attendees are eligible to purchase ONE ticket at a 50% discount for the Friday 15 March performance of A Man of Good Hope

To register, and for all enquiries, please contact:
Natasha Lay – Creative Learning and Community Engagement Coordinator
[email protected] | DDI 09 374 0339