Weave the thread of language into the hearts of man
Auckland Arts Festival is honouring our commitment to te reo Māori in an exciting new programme strand. TOITŪ TE REO translates as holding fast to our language and signals Auckland Arts Festival’s desire to champion te reo Māori through the platform of the arts
Tuia te muka reo ki te ngākau o te tangata
E whakatinana nei Te Ahurei Toi O Tāmaki Makaurau i tā mātou aronui ki te reo Māori mā roto mai i tētahi aho hōtaka whakaihiihi. Ko te ito o TOITŪ TE REO ko te āki kia ita te mau o tō tātou reo, ā, he mea tohu tēnei i tā Te Ahurei Toi O Tāmaki Makaurau whai kia whakatairangatia te reo Māori mā roto mai i ngā toi.

Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall
Tōku Reo Waiata (Toitū Te Reo)
March 2019
Performance Times:
- 8:00pm