Toitū Te Reo

Toitū Te Reo

 Weave the thread of language into the hearts of man

Auckland Arts Festival is honouring our commitment to te reo Māori in an exciting new programme strand. TOITŪ TE REO translates as holding fast to our language and signals Auckland Arts Festival's desire to champion te reo Māori through the platform of the arts.

WHAKANUIA! We will celebrate and create connections through te reo Māori from non-speakers to those already fluent. This is a chance for Aucklanders to connect to te reo Māori through the arts.

From works in te reo Māori, to community led activations through to the powerful medium of music, TOITŪ TE REO embraces te reo Māori across the programme. It is our goal that te reo Māori is heard, seen and felt every day of the Festival.

Toitū Te Reo ambassador Stacey Morrison talks to the New Zealand Herald. Read the interview here 


Tuia te muka reo ki te ngākau o te tangata

E whakatinana nei Te Ahurei Toi O Tāmaki Makaurau i tā mātou aronui ki te reo Māori mā roto mai i tētahi aho hōtaka whakaihiihi. Ko te ito o TOITŪ TE REO ko te āki kia ita te mau o tō tātou reo, ā, he mea tohu tēnei i tā Te Ahurei Toi O Tāmaki Makaurau whai kia whakatairangatia te reo Māori mā roto mai i ngā toi.

 WHAKANUIA! Ka whakanui, ka whakarite hononga anō mātou mā roto mai i te reo Māori ki te tangata, tauhou ki te reo mai, matatau mai anō. He ara tēnei e whai wāhi ai ngā uri o Tāmaki Makaurau ki te reo Māori mā roto mai i ngā toi.

Mai i ētahi mahinga toi reo Māori, ki ētahi kaupapa toi nā ngā hapori tonu i ārahi, ā, tae noa ki te momo mana nui o te puoro, ko tā TOITŪ TE REO he poipoi i te reo Māori i te whānuitanga o te hōtaka. E whai nei mātou kia rangona te reo Māori me ōna momo katoa i ia rā o te hui Ahurei.


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Toitū Te Reo Events / 

Ngā Kaupapa Toitū Te Reo

Thursday 7 March 6.30pm
Rāpare 7 Poutūterangi 

Join us for the opening of the Auckland Arts Festival with artists Stan Walker, Troy Kingi, Maisey Rika and Ria Hall, and add your voice to the many in Aotea Square as we celebrate our city, our language, our Artists and our Festival. 

Piri mai ki a Maisey Rika rātou ko Ria Hall, ko Troy Kingi, i te hui whakatuwhera i Te Ahurei Toi O Tāmaki Makaurau, ka tuku ai i tō reo kia rere ngātahi ai ki tini reo kē atu i te papa o Aotea/Aotea Square nō tātou ka whakanui i tō tātou tāone, i tō tātou reo, i ō tātou Ringatoi, i tō tātou hui Ahurei anō.

Tōku Reo Waiata 
Saturday 16 March
Rāhoroi 16 Poutūterangi

A one-night extravaganza of magical waiata with the finest singers in Aotearoa. Join us as they turn up the volume, open their kete and share the joy of their music and te reo Māori with you.

He pō ngahau kotahi noa e whakamīharotia ai te minenga ki ngā waiata whakaharahara me ngā pūkenga waiata o Aotearoa. Piri mai i te whare ka haruru i a rātou, nō rātou ka huaki i ā rātou kete, kia rongo ai koe i te manahau ka hua i ā rātou puoro me te reo Māori.

Ka Tito Au: Kupe's Heroic Journey

On tour throughout regional Auckland, 15–24 March
Ka huri haere i Tāmaki Makaurau, 15–24 Poutūterangi

The epic voyage of Kupe, the great Pacific explorer and navigator, is recounted in this enchanting, richly imagined show by writer and poet Apirana Taylor. Actor Tola Newbery makes every episode come to life by infusing his extraordinary performance with creative modern flourishes and stirring waiata tawhito (traditional Māori songs). A marvel of storytelling everyone should experience.

Ka kōrerotia te hekenga nui a te tohunga whakatere waka, a te kaihōpara rongonui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa, a Kupe, i tēnei whakaari āhuareka, pohewa nui hoki, nā te kaitito, nā te toikupu anō, nā Apirana Taylor. Ka ora anō ia wāhi kōrero i te kaiwhakaari, i a Tola Newbery, i te whakarākeitanga o ōna pūkenga whakaari inati ki te auahatanga o mohoa nei, otirā, ki ētahi waiata tawhito e pōkare ai ā-roto. He kura pūrākau me mātua wheako e te katoa.

Te Kuia Me Te Pūngāwerewere
Touring schools throughout Auckland, 19–22 March
Ka huri haere ki ētahi kura i Tāmaki Makaurau, 19-22 Poutūterangi

Free performances on Whānau Day, Sunday 24 March
Ka whakatūria utukorehia ki Te Rā ā-Whānau, Rātapu 24 Poutūterangi

Te reo Māori adaptation of classic children's story ‘The Kuia and the Spider’ takes audiences on a comedic journey into the world of the spiders. Te Kuia Me Te Pūngāwerewere tells the real reason why the old lady and the spider are constantly arguing. 

He whakaari reo Māori mō te pūrākau tamariki rongonui, mō 'The Kuia and the Spider', ka tō pukuhohe atu i te minenga ki te ao pūngāwerewere. Ka hura i Te Kuia Me Te Pūngāwerewere te tino take e auau nei te totohe a te kuia me te pūngāwerewere.

March 2019
Poutūterangi 2019

Celebrate Tāmaki Makaurau and te reo Māori alongside our creative neighbourhoods with arts projects created by people from Auckland's many communities in collaboration with established artists. These free, interactive, get-in-amongst-it events will be announced in 2019.

Whakanuia ngātahitia a Tāmaki Makaurau me te reo Māori ki ō tātou pāpori auaha, ki ētahi kaupapa toi, he mea whakarite e ētahi nō ngā tini hapori o Tāmaki Makaurau mā te mahi ngātahi ki ētahi pūkenga toi. He kaupapa utukore ēnei e whai wāhi atu ai te tangata, ā, ka pānuihia hei te tau 2019.

Whānau Day / Te Rā ā-Whānau
Sunday 24 March 10am–3pm
Rātapu 24 Poutūterangi 10am–3pm

It's the last day of the festival and we are going out with a bang! A day full of free live music, entertainment, free workshops and family-friendly fun. 

Koinei te rangi whakamutunga o te hui ahurei, ā, he rangi whakamīharo kei te haere! He rangi kī pai i ngā puoro mataora utukore, i ngā kaupapa whakangahau, i ngā awheawhe utukore, otirā, i ngā mahi āhuareka mā te whānau katoa.